We are a big College football family and it is often joked my first word was Gator. I grew up with every Saturday in the Fall revolving around watching games. In High School, I refused to seriously date anyone who was a Seminole fan and I stood by that until I met Gabe. Now I am marrying a Seminole........
My number one item to make during football season is homemade salsa. We go through this stuff faster than one can say Touchdown. I've never made the same salsa twice, always tweaking the flavors around. When it isn't tomato season, I use canned fire roasted diced tomatoes. The recipe below is my base to salsa - the directions I always go by, then add this or that to the mix. One weird quirk about me - I love the taste of tomatoes but I hate the texture, so I always puree my salsa.
Garlic and Sun-dried Tomato Salsa Recipe
2 large tomatoes, diced or 2 cans of fire roasted diced tomatoes
1/2 medium onion, finely minced
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1/2 jalapeno, finely minced (more if you like it spicy)
1 lemon or lime juice (I prefer lime)
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes
The Better Chip -your favorite flavor
Mix all ingredients together and place into a blender to puree. You can also keep it chunky by just mixing together. Let chill for at least one hour.
I recently brought my Salsa to a March Madness basketball party and received rave reviews. Along with the salsa, I brought various flavors of The Better Chip, including their two new flavors, The Better Chip Beet and The Better Chip Chipotle. TBC is verified non-GMO and Gluten Free, with only five easy to pronounce ingredients in each chip.
The Better Chip provided me with product and/or compensation for this post, however the opinions I shared are my own.

I take the same approach with my chili. It's never the same thing twice. I'm stealing your salsa recipe... I need to learn to make a good salsa!